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Personal Data Protection Policy

Collection and processing
Personal data is collected and processed only to the extent and for the purpose required.

Purpose of processing
The Hydrocarbons Service collects personal data for the purpose of evaluating applications for scholarships from the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of hydrocarbons.

The personal data contained in the applications for scholarships are stored electronically in tables but also in printed form in the official files kept by the Hydrocarbons Service. The service computers of the operators of this data are not accessible to third parties. Also, the secured file in which the service files are kept is not accessible to third parties.

The personal data collected by the Hydrocarbons Service are stored and are available only for auditing purposes by the Auditor General of the Republic of Cyprus or for the purpose of presenting data at trial, following a court order but also in the House of Representatives during the exercise of parliamentary control.

Right of access
Personal data is provided voluntarily and with the explicit consent of the persons concerned for the collection and processing of such data, however persons retain the right of access for the purpose of correcting, revoking, deleting or portability of their data. To exercise this right, a written request must be sent to hydrocarbons@meci.gov.cy. If an application is pending but the person concerned exercises the right to withdraw or withdraw his consent, the application will not be considered.

Right of complaint to the supervisory authority
Complaints regarding the implementation of the legislation for the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data can be submitted to the Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection http://www.dataprotection.gov.cy.

Contact details for the officer responsible for the personal data protection
Hydrocarbons Service
Vasso Pavlaki
Tel.: +357-220409342
email: vpavlaki@meci.gov.cy 

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